Oct 14, 2014 | Events, News
During the weekend of 10/12th Oct Traditional Karate Academy Boston (TKAB) hosted one of the most prominent European Karate coaches, former World Champion, sensei Andrzej Maciejewski. He was in charge leading a special training seminar as well as he was the chief...
Aug 25, 2014 | Events, News
Traditional Karate Academy Boston was invited to deliver a demonstration at the Boston Bowling charity event....
Jun 30, 2014 | Events, News
Traditional Karate Academy Boston took part in the renowned charity event in Peterborough – Parafiada – organised by the Polish Catholic Church. Addressed to all the youngest, it gathered over 1500 spectators, many of whom closely watched the demonstration...
May 20, 2014 | Events, News
TKAB (Traditionak Karate Academy Boston) visited the Music Centre of Boston College. We were invited to deliver Karate training workshops and demonstrations to a range of students and other young people from Boston area. The idea came as a part of Funtime Boston...