Interclub Kumite Competition in Norwich – 05.07.2015

On 5th July 2015 an Interclub Kumite Competition was held in Norwich, Norfolk. The event gathered around 150 competitors in three categories: junior, cadet and senior. The results were very pleasing for TKFGB. Our athletes won a total number of 12 medals including 6...

TKAB demonstrations – 27.06.2015

27th June was a busy day for our Karate Boston Academy. We were invited to two town events to deliver a demonstration. Boston College Fun Day in Central Park was a major community celebration and an opportunity to spend all afternoon with sport, music, snacks and...

Laxton Children’s Festival – 21.06.15

Having accepted an invitation from the Polish Catholic Mission in England and Wales, by recommendation from Polska Macierz Szkolna, TKFGB were honoured to be a part of an All-National Kids’ Day annual event in Laxton n/Corby, Northamptonshire. The team presented...

TKFGB Squad Training and Instructor/Referee Course – 07.06.15

The Sunday of 7th June was one of the most exhausting ones for some of the Instructor Squad Members TKFGB. Exceeding six hours of time the event was devoted to proper warm-up with emphasis on central muscles and coordination. Following the warm-up there were...